Committed in the provision of concrete and practical solutions to pressing global challenges

in the domain of Sustainable development, Health, Agriculture, Education, Environment, Human Rights, Climate change and Creating jobs, particularly for young and vulnerable people

Who We Are

Bright Vision Community Initiative for Sustainable Development started by providing relief, and solving social issues and challenges faced by the victims of conflicts, poverty, climate change and other social ills and their entire communities. It was then realised that the target communities needed the right information, orientation and capacity to minimise the incident of community related problems and for their sustainable development.Few years of activities on the field as an association, with visible impact of touching the lives of the communities, our association was elevated to a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) on the month of July 2023 through ministerial decision number 000076/A/MINAT/SG/DAP/SDLP/SONG/BA/DTPB of 11 July 2023



Our Vision/Mission


To promote a self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating organisation that is committed to help mankind especially the vulnerable in domains of health, education, environment, agriculture, community development, youth empowerment and gender based violence.


BRIVCOISUD’s mission is to help the vulnerable in the domain of health, education, environment, community development, youth empowerment and gender based violence through social and economic empowerment programmes.

Our Operational Objectives

Rural Development

Support to DTCs and to Vulnerable Populations

Environmental and Sustainable development

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH)

Shelter and livelihood Division

Rural economic empowerment Division

Food items and Non-food Items Aid Division

Legal assistance Division

Protection Division.

See our Work in Action


Take action now and be a part of the positive change we are creating. Click below to get involved and make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need.