Our Core Objectives


  • Prevention and support for the global treatment of STDs, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and Malaria
  • Conception and dissemination of instruments and strategies of communication for behavioral Change and development
  • Support for the development of Universal Health Coverage
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Action in research

Rural Development

  • Support for the development of Agriculture and animal husbandry.
  • Facilitation of the initiation and maturation of value chains for potentially profitable products
  • Promotion of the socio- economic, professional and organisational development of rural areas.
  • Improve the the standards of living in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy

Support to DTCs and to Vulnerable Populations

  • Organisation of HIMO activities ( cash for work) in favour of the most vulnerable populations in partnership with local governments and other grassroot partners
  • Socio-economic and professional insertion through training and setting up of revenue generating activities.
  • Improve the implication of populations in the elaboration and follow up of the execution of budgets by local governments
  • Facilitate the access of the populations to different Civil Status Certificates
  • Promote access to budgetary information for more transparency in governance
  • Improve the governance and Organisational capacities of local government executives
  • Support Municipal Councils in the search for funding to implement CDPs

Environmental and Sustainable development

  • Fight against dissertification, deforestation, dégradation and defragmentation of Forests.
  • Support for reaforestation and the reinforcement of new forms of renewable energies
  • Sensitisation on the importance of embracing the three pillars of sustainable development, namely; economic, social and environmental in all projects

Water and Hygiene

  • Facilitate access to clean drinking water.
  • Improve good habits in issues of hygiene
  • Respond to basic needs of cleanliness
  • Capacity building and sensitization

Environmental and Sustainable development

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